

Cuba aiming for the gold in Beijing

BEIJING, August 6, 2008 (AFP).- The women’s volleyball team of Cuba was confident on Wednesday about its chances for the gold in the Olympic Games of Beijing, three days before debuting against Poland in a tournament where they are among the favorites along Brazil and China.


“We relieve that the gold medal is a possibility,” said veteran assistant coach Eugenio George after the training session of Wednesday.


Cuba, the champions in 1992, 1996 and 2000, had to settle for the bronze in Athens 2004 and in Beijing they will try to recuperate the Olympic glory.


“Many of the teams competing play very well. We will try to do our best but any medal we can get will be OK,” said George, who coaches the Cubans along with Antonio Perdomo.


Cuba is included in Pool A, where China and United States look as the most dangerous rivals, and is completed by Poland, Japan and Venezuela. Brazil, their biggest rival, will compete in Pool B along with Algeria, Italy, Russia, Serbia and Kazahkstan.


“In Beijing we have the twelve best teams of the World, so we have to play hard since the first match against Poland. We are a team with a strong attack and we are working in our defense in the training,” he explained.


The match against Poland on August 9, “will be tough even we don’t know all the players,” said Daimi Ramirez. “This only happens once every four years so we don’t want any distractions.”


“We are considered one of the favorites and that is good for us. We have worked very hard in preparation for the Games,” commented Zoila Barros.


“All the teams come with expectations and we hope to win all the matches and the gold medal,” said her young teammate Rosir Calderon.


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