
PRESS RELEASE 28/08/2009

Mexico wins with big local support

TIJUANA, México, August 28, 2009 – Before more than 3,000 fans, the Mexican National Team took advantage of the local support to defeat Trinidad & Tobago in three quick sets in the last match of opening day of the Playoff Round for the 2010 Women’s World Championship played at Centro de Alto Rendimiento of Tijuana.


The score in the Mexican victory was 25-21, 25-15, 25-22. The best scorers for Mexico were Claudia Rodríguez with 11 points, Martha Revuelta who had nine points and Xitlali  Herrera with eight.  For Trinidad & Tobago Krystle Esdelle had a match-high 13 points and Kelly Anne Billing contributed 11 tallies.


Mexico presented a lineup with an effective combination of young players with experience in the past Junior and Youth World Championships, along with the experience in court of the captain Martha Revuelta and Claudia Rodriguez.


“I think the girls played well at all times and kept the rhythm. Trinidad is a good team but couldn’t execute against us tonight. Even though is good to start winning, this is a short tournament and all the teams are equaled. Tomorrow we have to go hard against Costa Rica and attain what we came here looking for, which is the ticket to Japan,” said Francisco Javier Jiménez, the coach of Mexico.


“This is a completely different team or the one that played in the Pan American Cup. We have been able to put together the youth girls who were not in Miami. For that reason we are a new team for all the opponents competing here”, said Martha Revuelta, the Mexican captain.


Meanwhile, Francisco Cruz, the Cuban coaching Trinidad & Tobago, said: “this team is in a learning process and as I said yesterday in the press conference, we are here to pay our dues. I hope that tomorrow, playing against a taller team, we can improve our performance.”

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