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PRESS RELEASE 25/10/2006

FIVB World Congress re-elects Ruben Acosta as President 

Congress delegates give FIVB President Ruben Acosta a standing ovation

Tokyo, 25th October 2006 – On the closing day of the 30th FIVB World Congress, delegates representing 196 of the FIVB’s 219 national federations present at the Congress unanimously re-elected Dr Ruben Acosta Hernandez as the President of the FIVB.

Ruben Acosta has been President of the International Volleyball Federation since 1984 and is only the second President of the organisation after its founding President, Frenchman Paul Libaud.

Numerous delegates from across the world took the floor to praise Dr Ruben Acosta’s leadership of the organisation for the past 22 years and there was a unanimous consensus for the motion proposed by Baba Sy, President of the Volleyball Federation of Senegal, that Dr Ruben Acosta be elected by acclamation. This proposal was accepted with a standing ovation that awarded Dr Ruben Acosta a further four years in office.

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