
Dear NORCECA National Federation Presidents, Members of NORCECA Excecutive Committee & Board of Administration, Members of NORCECA Commission and Technical Staff.


At the end of a very fruitful year 2022, as President of NORCECA we are pleased to render our 2022 NORCECA Activities Report, covering all the events held by NORCECA during the year.


The extraordinary results and participation of our National Federations made more attractive our events during the year, created the necessary conditions for our continental sponsor to support NORCECA and at the same time taking advantage to promote their products and activities through a very dynamic marketing strategies.


In summary, 2022 has been definitively the recovery year for NORCECA going back to normal after two painful years that impacted our events and activities due to the Global Pandemic of the COVID19.


2022, set forward the necessary conditions for fruitful 2023 as a Pre-Olympic year for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.


Wishing you all, your families and our worldwide volleyball community a Merry Christmas and a Fruitful and happy New Year 2023, our best gift, so please enjoy our 2022 NORCECA Activities Report.


Kind Regards